Please download this word document and email or snail it to your federal representatives. 

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If your recieve a response please share. email it and I will post it.

LetterToSenator.doc LetterToSenator.doc
Size : 0.059 Kb
Type : doc

Dear, (Senator or Representative) (Their name)

I am writing to request your support of an idea that I would like to see passed into law.

The proposal is, create and pass an act into law that will provide additional tax incentives to those who take and pass a parenting course. The course will be good for 3 years and then must be refreshed to maintain the tax incentive. The scope of the course would be researched and time-tested methods for parenting well adjusted children that would become productive and happy adult members of our society.

I understand that this would not make a difference overnight. However, I feel that over a few generations it would make a large impact. I also understand that there are already government programs in place that provide free parenting classes for individuals that meet certain criteria. This is not necessarily a program to provide classes as much as it is to create an incentive to take the classes.

No one is required to take the classes and no one is required to parent in any certain way. The goal is that more parents would have knowledge to use and work from to improve our nation one family at a time.

If you would like to learn more about this please visit:

We appreciate any comments and constructive feedback.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

(Your Name)
(Your Address)

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